Monday, June 11, 2012


Well, 45 days have passed. We plugged the Kickstarter drive to friends, on boards, in forums, on Facebook, on my blogs and even got some nice plugs from various big name sites!

But we only got 11 supporters.

So...for now at least there will be no Book of the Blog. 

Special thanks to all 11 of you who jumped on board, only a few of whom I knew personally! We will rethink the concept and it may yet become something. Just not anytime soon.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kickstarter Incentives Updated

After sitting at $127.00 for the past two weeks on our campaign to fund a book of this blog, we suddenly got two more backers after adjusting the incentives so that you now get a signed copy of the eventual book at the $50.00 level! Please check it out and consider pledging! 31 Days to go!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

****Support the Book on Kickstarter!****

As of now, A GEEK'S JOURNAL 1976, THE BOOK OF THE BLOG is a live project on KICKSTARTER and we can use the support of all of you who have asked for such a book in order to make it happened.

If you can, please donate. If you can't, please spread the word that we are attempting to make this expanded book of the blog a reality!

Thanks in advance for your support!

Monday, April 16, 2012

A Geek's Journal 1976--THE BOOK??

Coming Soon...maybe. Maybe not.

A lot of folks have asked for it--including a couple of publishers-- but I'm not convinced there's a market. The book would contain all the original journal entries but substantially increased annotations and much more perspective about what was going on in the wider world during that time period. We're thinking about going the Kickstarter route. Would you support that? Would you but the book? Let me know. If the answer is yes then we can make this a reality. I look forward to having my geeky senior pic on bumper stickers for promotion!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Follow Me Back to 1974!

What are you doing here? 1976 has ended! Follow me back to 1974 where we're doing it all again for the next twelve months!