Sunday, January 9, 2011

Friday, January 9th, 1976

11 PM

This is it! Seventeen years ago today, also a Friday, at 4:29 PM, I was born! I'm told it was snowing that day, also!

Lucky day, too! We really were off school yesterday so I wasn't playing hooky! Below zero temps this morning but I felt snug in my new THICK coat and new boots. Very slippery outside. Did pretty well in school today, too. Barely saw Angie, though.

Tonight we watched HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, CHARLIE BROWN. Then we watched THE SUPER COPS, the movie based on the book about Greenberg and Hantz that I enjoyed so much a few years ago! The picture stars DARK SHADOWS' Quentin--David Selby. It isn't very good, though.

Dad got me coneys and I played myself the Beatles tune, BIRTHDAY. I was watching the clock for my exact birth moment but I still ended up playing it a minute early. I have long said that seventeen will be the best year after eleven. Eleven lived up to its promise so now,'s your turn. From the very moment I started thinking about it all today I felt really good. Realistically I know that there will be bad stuff, too, but I'm convinced the good will outnumber it...starting with next weekend's comic book convention!

NOTES: I had spent several years building up seventeen as such a pivotal year in my mind that it couldn't possibly live up to my expectations. There were quite a few good things to come, however. And yes, I celebrated my birthday alone then and since. The only actual birthday party I ever had was when I turned eleven. I said in 1976 that eleven had been a great year. Let's just say the greatness all came AFTER that party.

The term "coneys," for those of you not enlightened regarding such culinary delights, refers regionally to a hot dog, served on a bun with Cincinnati's signature Greek chili--a thin, watery sauce that includes cinnamon, chocolate and cumin--and topped off with a ton of thickly chopped onions and a huge pile of cheddar cheese. The coney is and long has been my favorite food. I tend to eat them six at a time...although in recent years, I'm just as likely to get six and save three or four 'til later. Never having been a fan of cheese (except on pizzas), I skip the Cheddar, though.

As far as SUPER COPS, it had been a best-selling book based on the exploits of two maverick New York Police officers fighting corruption a la SERPICO. They became known as "Batman and Robin." The inevitable film version came in 1974 but disappeared quickly until it turned up on network TV here. As stated then, it really wasn't very good. David Selby, a very mannered actor, starred with then stage actor Ron Liebman (married to actress Linda Lavin at that time), a very loud, scene chewing actor.


  1. Happy Birthday! :)

  2. Happy Birthday, Booksteve! I am so digging this blog--makes me wish I'd kept one (I'd have been twelve, so there's no way that was happening). I remember the Super Cops movie, vaguely. I remember liking the action scenes. I do have the novel and the Gray Morrow comic. Gonna have to scan that one sometime...

  3. Hello my name is Monae. I was born on April 22,1976. I saw the year on your blog and I had to comment. Its great that you posted this. I like your blog.

  4. Happy birthday!!! I turned 19 in March of 1976. I remember this because in October of 1976 I married the most wonderful man in the world. What a wonderful idea for a blog. I used to journal too, still do. I just have to many thoughts and stories to figure out how to put it on paper so it all makes sense. Any way someday maybe. Again Happy Birthday!!!!!!

  5. Belated (35 years late!) Happy Birthday Steve!

  6. Fun blog, Steve. If you want a blast of "The Super Cops" you might be interested in this - a terrific release of Jerry Fielding's soundtrack music:

  7. We share the same birthday - in 1976 I was turning 6 (5 am-ish). Thanks for the fun blog.

  8. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, CHARLIE BROWN (as originally aired this date, some commercial breaks were left in...)
